How I UPCYCLED Thrifted Cotton BLANKET into Pants and Jacket

How I UPCYCLED Thrifted Cotton BLANKET into Pants and Jacket
How I UPCYCLED Thrifted Cotton BLANKET into Pants and Jacket

Hey there!

My name is Vita, I am a crafty hippie homemaker who loves to upcycle thrifted textiles.

This time around I have used a beautiful soft thrifted 100% cotton blanket to make some pretty cute casual lounge wear. I ended up with 2 different types of pants and a beautiful cover up jacket. Some leftover scraps will be used up nicely for some little top most likely, but that will show up in my future videos.

I absolutely love repurposing and upcycling. Such a great way to practice crafting and sewing skills while giving textiles a second chance. I can not control the entire world, but I can be sure to chip in with my decision making and smart choices towards the better future. Future that hopefully involves less waist created by mass producing. Future with less consumerism 😉

Here is a youtube video link of how I made 2 pairs of pants and a jacket out of a thrifted blanket:

How I UPCYCLED Thrifted Cotton BLANKET into Pants and Jacket

Wishing everyone a lovely day! Stay creative!

Love and Peace to everyone!

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Vita K The crafty homemaker and the creator of Hippie Crow Hub

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Restyling, Refashioning, Refreshing, Upcycling
